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Perseverance Samantha Perseverance Samantha

Helping Your Child Master Resilience

Grit, moxie, tenacity, perseverance! Doggedness, spirit, spunk!

Those are some fierce words! So what the heck do they mean? And why are they crucial for your child’s growth and development?

Grit is sticking with something even when you don't want to…

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Growth Mindset Samantha Growth Mindset Samantha

How to Have a Healthy Argument

Arguments are a part of life. If we have relationships with people in any form, we’re going to have differing opinions. Being able to form our own opinions and thoughts is what makes us awesome!

What if we all shared the same beliefs, came to the same conclusions and dreamt the same…

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Growth Mindset Samantha Growth Mindset Samantha

How To Teach Growth Mindset To Kids

People often ask what growth mindset is and how do they introduce it to their toddler, preschooler, child or teen. Today we look at what growth mindset is, why it's important, the challenges you may face as a parent or teacher trying to introduce it and some very simple strategies to teach growth mindset and start using doing it with your kids.

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