3 Simple Ways To Increase Your Child's Confidence

There’s no doubt about it…self-confidence is one of the most important life skills you’ll ever teach your children. Being confident will help your children to become well-rounded, happy and successful in every area of their lives! This is what every parent wants, right?

But there’s a fine line between arrogance and confidence, and as parents, it’s our goal to not only teach our children to love the way they shine, but to teach them to know the difference. Because our subconscious mind starts absorbing messages at a very young age, it’s never too early to start laying the groundwork.

So how do we go about creating super-healthy, superhero levels of confidence in our kiddos!? And why is this so important? Listen up!

Why Believing In Yourself Is the Bomb

Having a healthy level of confidence affects every area of your life…every single one! It has a huge impact on your relationships, happiness and finances. It even affects your mental, emotional & physical health.

Did you know the level of confidence a human being sports will create permanent changes in their brain chemistry?!

When you change your mind to choose positivity and confidence, you are actually changing your brain! How neat is that?!

”Self confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings”. – Samuel L. Johnson

All this to say…confidence is clearly the bomb! ???

Cultivating Confidence

Children’s social and emotional development is the master key to all of their future successes in life. To develop healthy levels of positive self-esteem, they should be given tasks and expectations that are challenging, but within their ability to complete independently or with very minimal levels of help.

They should be celebrated for pursuing and mastering their goals! And as always, perseverance should be modelled and supported by YOU, lil’ mama! (Or lil’ pops ?)

Giving your child unlimited support, unconditional love and total acceptance in the first months and years of their lives, will provide deep roots of self-love and confidence. Self-love and confidence truly do pave the way for fearless growth in your child. I know you have what it takes to ‘go fearless’ in your family!

"If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning. That way, their children don’t have to be slaves of praise. They will have a lifelong way to build and repair their own confidence.” - Carol Dweck

Brain Change!

Did you know that when you focus on making someone else happy it increases your personal self-esteem? Did you know that gratitude can actually make you feel happier? Both are true!

How can your kids see the fruits of their fabulousness? There are lots of easy ways to start! First of all, model how to take the focus off of yourself.

Start volunteering! No matter where you live, there are tons of organisations that would love for your little to lend a hand. Volunteer work not only makes you feel awesome about yourself, but it helps to create a sense of belonging that any kiddo can get used to. Giving your child every opportunity to feel useful and needed. When you do this, you’re simply watering those confidence roots you’ve been cultivating in your kiddo!

And now we talk about gratitude. This is one of the magic words! A healthy, growing mind that can always find something to be grateful for, is a sure-fire superhero trait! Gratitude can move mountains! It can give strength to the weak and shift your focus. It can brighten a gloomy mood and change your brain for the better!

There really isn’t anything this special word can’t do. Try starting every day with five things you’re grateful for. In crappy situations, find the beauty instead of the beast. Turn those proverbial lemons into lemonade, and lemon cookies, and lemon meringue, and lemon EVERYTHING!

There is always something you can find to express your gratefulness over! The bright side is there, even if you have to look for it.

So, teach your child to be grateful. Find a cause to support and go get it! Volunteer your resources without expectation of getting something in return. Be thankful for everything, cultivate that healthy, humble confidence in yourself and your kids…it’s time for your child to SHINE! ?

Wanna hear me talk more about how to build your child’s confidence by helping others, watch my short video below.


‘The Power of Yet’


How Your Positivity Affects Your Child