6 Tips For Raising A Confident Child

Children with high self-esteem tend to do better academically, are happier, and have higher frustration tolerance.

Helping kids foster a growth mindset is one of the greatest gifts you can give to a child.

Here are six tips for raising a confident child. 

1. Model confidence

Set a good example for your kids by preparing thoroughly for new tasks and tackling them with optimism. Acknowledge that you also get anxious to remind the children that they don’t have to be perfect. However, help them focus on the positive things you are doing to get yourself ready for the challenges. 

2. Treat mistakes as learning opportunities

When children make mistakes, don’t make them feel bad about it. Remind them to not dwell on the mistakes, but learn lessons from them. This confidence will ensure that they do not fear failure, knowing that they will use the lessons to better themselves. 

3. Encourage them to try new things

Allowing kids to try new things can help them build confidence in their capabilities and prepares them for whatever comes their way. Therefore, diversify kids’ activities beyond what they excel in, and watch them take up new challenges. 

4. Praise perseverance

Teach kids to know that their self-esteem and confidence should not be defined by being the best. Remind them that perseverance in the face of failure is key and giving up is not an option. Praise them whenever they make the second and third attempt until they get it right. 

5. Help them find their passion

Kids will be grounded in their identity if you help them discover their passions. They will build confidence as they explore their interests and grow their talents. Excelling in things they love can give a huge boost to a child’s self-esteem. 

6. Set goals

Helping children convert their dreams and desires into actionable goals can make them feel strong. Ask them to list everything they want to achieve and break them down into short-term and long-term goals. This life skill will not only remind them that their aspirations are valid, but it will also prepare them for the challenges of teen and adult life. 

Watch 6 Tips For Confident Kids

Xo Lisa oX



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